Beets are a very powerfull fat burning food. They can be prepared baked, steamed, pickled, and even fresh. There are some varieties to select from so don't be afraid to explore a few until you research 1 that suits you
Cauliflower is a nutrient dense vegetable with lots of folate, fiber, and vitamin C. Even better, however, is that it controls some substances which may slow or prevent cancer
Asparagus is a great vegetable for anyone who is interested in losing weight. It has plenty of nutrients like vitamins A & C PLUS it tastings pretty good too. Look for press clusters of spears with closed tips. The whopping the asparagus is, the more tender it is. Site You May Like: Home Remedies Natural Home Remedies Easy Medical Home Remedies
Fresh delicious corn is an outstanding fat burning food. If you buy it on the cob, you should eat it right away because the longer it sits, the more flavor it loses. It is good for about a week in the fridge simply after that you are taking your chances. By the way, you probably want to flavor it with margarine rather of butter
The outstanding fatty acids discovered in cod are not the fats dieters want to avoid but, as their name implies, fats that are important for good health. These fats cannot be made within the body. They have a range of benefits, including strengthening cardiovascular health, controlling cholesterol levels, improving digestion, and increasing the body's capability to burn fat